Collective Worship

Collective Worship is placed at the heart of prayer life in school and is integral in our school mission and vision of 'working, playing and praying together.' It provides both staff and pupils the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the core gospel values and develop a greater understanding of how to live out those values. 


Each act of worship follows the four fold action of:

  1. Gathering together (see)
  2. Hearing God’s Word (hear)
  3. Responding to the Word (think)
  4. Being sent forward with a Mission based on the worship we have participated in. (Do) 


In each act of collective worship, we aim to incorporate a wide variety of resources and creativity. Staff support the development of differing styles of worship throughout the school, whilst continue to practise and participate in traditional prayers, too.  Pupils are encouraged to participate in the planning and delivery of Collective Worship through our end of unit class liturgical prayer, pastoral care groups and whole school services too.


Our worship takes many different forms and we gather in a variety of groupings:


  • We gather together as a school community for whole school collective worship on a Monday, led by Mr Fallon/Mrs Long or KS2 classes on a rotation. The focus of this is on this week’s Gospel. This act of worship gives a clear message and enables pupils to understand their ‘mission’ for the week ahead.
  • Every Thursday we come together to participate in hymn practice led by Mrs Long. During this session, the children explore new and traditional hymns, exploring the lyrics and the meaning of the selected hymn choices.
  • Every other Friday, we come together to celebrate our achievements and successes in Awards Assembly. Prayer and song forms the basis of the this assembly and pupils achievements are shared and celebrated. Included in this is a mission and vision certificate where a child in each year group is recognised for living out the St. Stephen’s Way.
  • Every other Thursday, child led Pastoral Care services take place in class. Groups of children take it in turns to plan and deliver the prayer service. Children take great pride in setting the service up, choosing the various elements of the service and lead the services with a great level of respect.
  • In addition to these opportunities to worship, Mass is celebrated each half-term, both in school and at church. All classes attend and we enjoy being together to celebrate with our Parish Priest, Fr. Sean Hall.


For more information regarding Prayer and Liturgy, please follow the link to our Prayer, Liturgy and Meditation policy.