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The Sill

As part of our school residential programme, year three pupils visited The Sill in Northumberland for our annual Advent Retreat. However, this year we added a trip to Vindolanda Roman fort to enhance our history curriculum work as the children had been asking the question ‘what did the Romans do for us?’ Well, quiet a bit actually which our children found out after spending a day at the first and museum.

After arriving at the Sill, a fabulous Youth Hostel not far from Sycamore Gap, the children quickly settled into their comfortable surroundings. What followed was a lovely evening starting with and Advent liturgy, then tea followed by Christmas crafts and games. It was soon time for bed and everyone settled down quickly for a good night sleep. Next day included a long walk and scramble up onto the wall before returning for lunch and then back to school. The one night stay provides so many opportunities for our children, not just learning about Roman Britain and Advent but also learning to manage themselves and developing a little more independence. It was a great visit, thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.

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