Our Faith in Action

Live Simply Award


In June 2023, we are going to launch the Cafod Live Simply Award for Schools in partnership with St. Aidan’s RC Church. In order to launch our work, we linked our mission and application with Laudato Si week, which we celebrated last week.


Working with Mrs Long are the school’s Agents for Change council, who have worked extremely hard over the past weeks to decide on appropriate actions and projects moving forward. The children are currently putting together a presentation for governors and staff which will then be submitted to the Live Simply committee.


Within our weekly collective worship and pastoral care sessions, we have discussed our contributions to ‘Living Simply’: 


  • Prayed for those in the local and global community including: Ukraine, Turkey – Syria, our local community and began to pray for creation through exploring the Laudato Si.
  • During Lent, we celebrated a weekly prayer service, Prayer, Song & Soup, led by pupils in KS2. We also supported CAFOD lenten appeal through out Lenten Soup Kitchen. 
  • We developed the school prayer garden with the help of local volunteers where we created a dedicated prayer space for the school community to enjoy. The pupils now have an area which they can maintain and care for. 
  • Work is underway to develop Planted-up the local ward planters with our local councillors and Eco-Council. 
  • We offered food donations to the local food banks as part of our Harvest appeal. 


We look forward to updating you on our progress over the coming weeks.